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Buxted Church of England Primary School


The aim of our Geography curriculum at Buxted is to provide children with a wide and deep understanding of the world while encouraging a lifelong curiosity and fascination for our planet and its people.

We believe it's important for children to have a curriculum that helps them make sense of the world around them by having extensive understanding of their local environment as well as exploring a range of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments from around the world.

We have carefully designed and organised the curriculum to ensure children get the best opportunities to learn, build upon and expand key skills, learning and knowledge as they progress through the key stages.

Our local area allows us to have hands on experiences where children can think and work like Geographers by applying map and field work skills outside the classroom. Through their work in Geography, children will be able to compare and contrast their life in the local area with other regions in the United Kingdom and the rest of the wold.

At Buxted we teach Geography to:

  • Foster a sense of identify and curiosity and to develop an understanding of our local environment, Britain and the world
  • Increase children’s knowledge and understanding of other places and cultures in order to develop a respect for our diverse world
  • Understand the world around them
  • Equip children to draw, use and interpret maps
  • Equip children to understand the environment and the impacts on the environment on both a local and global level
  • Give a full picture of the world so that pupils go beyond the single story and stereotypes of the world

Children study at least two geography based units of learning per year to ensure coverage of the national curriculum and to allow ample opportunity for inspiration and discovery.

Geography Progression Map